• Comply with national and international environmental laws and regulations.
  • Attempting to reduce the waste generated by our facility at the source and to recycle it as much as possible,
  • To minimize the damage to the environment by keeping our existing wastes under control.
  • Ensure the consistent operation of our environmental management system and continuously enhance its efficacy while complying with legal standards.
  • To minimize losses, we strive to maintain the highest level of facility efficiency by utilizing cutting-edge technology.
  • To minimize the use of natural resources as a result of our continuous improvement efforts,
  • To raise awareness of the environment to all our employees and contacts in various companies and individuals.
  • To continually improve our environmental performance and consider the ecological impact of our new investments.
  • To support environmental protection by producing eco-friendly and sustainable products.
  • To support the transfer of a clean and healthy environment to future generations.
  • By following the technological developments, we aim to control and reduce the amount of ecological footprint of our institution.
  • Engaging in improvement activities.